It was the windows, without question. Our group of phototropic souls would lean into the light and grow. That was the plan as we brought our mangled and long-collected boxes and binders into the space this February. Boxes of samples, works and stories long-accumulated now had a shell to land in.
And land they did.
Through gypsy travels, pregnancies, losses, wins, life migrations and pure luck, we have assembled and it is bliss. It is not the first assembly of this brand or these efforts. It is fresh and changed iteration.
How we will grow is not precise. We will pull all of the beautiful things we want to share with our clients into this well lit space, placed side by side in small collections reflective of each work we have immersed ourselves in. Ideas will rest in this light until each person's story takes hold. Until the relationship of their design unfolds perfectly. Even then, we amend and give it the grace to evolve. Perfection is an illusion.
Welcome to our blog, a window into our daily lives. Soon to be filled with our growing team: the Metzingers, our Rockerbuilt friends, baby Palmer, and more
Welcome to the windows